Xur’s back, and he’s brought a few bits and bobs for you to get your hands on.
While House of Wolves and new gear is just around the corner it’s worth stocking up as you will be able to upgrade your old gear, if you’re that way inclined of course.
Anyway, this week, he has:
- Titan:
Mk. 44 Stand Asides – Exotic Leg Armour – 13SC
- Hunter:
Crest of the Alpha Lupi – Exotic Chest Armour – 13SC
- Warlock:
Skull of dire Ahamkara – Exotic Helmet – 13SC
- Gun:
MIDA Multi-Tool – Exotic Scout Rifle – 23SC
- Upgrade Material:
Exotic Shard – 7SC
- Random Engram:
Chest armour – 23MoL
You’ll find him hanging in the shadows around the Crucible Quartermaster, just minding his own business.
Not sure about you guys, but I wont be grabbing anything this week.