Your life is boring. So is mine, for the most part, but your life is really boring. You hate your job. You wish, day after day, that you could be a car mechanic, but the thing is, you just hate to get grease on your skin. I mean, ew, right?! Yuck, oil. Gets everywhere. Well fear not, my boring friend, for CAR MECHANIC SIMULATOR is coming to a PC near you, soon! That’s right! Car mechanic simulator! HELL YEA!
AND THATS NOT ALL! We’ll also be getting, wait for it… TRUCK MECHANIC SIMULATOR!!
Mind. Blown.
You better be sitting down for this next one, because it is just too much, really. I give you: Helicopter 2015: Natural Disasters – you can fly an actual (virtual) helicopter, mopping up disasters! AMAZING!
BUT THERES MORE! – Construction Machines Simulator 2016 will be coming next year. The fun just never ends. All of the above will feature detailed car, truck or helicopter models, and all the tools you need to feel like the real deal.
Take that Tesco. You can shove your crappy job. I’m a Helicopter Pilot now.