Fancy getting your hands on a free copy of Dying Light? Well it’s your lucky day!
Techland has given us nine digital copies of the game to giveaway, three on PS4, three on Xbox One and three on PC. We’ll be giving one code away for each platform for the next three days.
Entries for Friday’s codes couldn’t be simpler [BUT ARE NOW CLOSED], just follow us on Twitter and Tweet @GodisaGeek with your platform and why you want to play Dying Light so badly!
If you aren’t lucky today, be sure to check back here over the weekend for other opportunities to win!
Day Two! As we go through the Twitter entries to pick three winners, today you’ve another chance to win a code, as we’ve three more to give away. This time you just need to pop a comment in the section below, and (the same as yesterday), tell us WHY you want it, and what format!
Day Three! Since so many people entered, we’re extending the “comments” entry to today. So on Monday we’ll give away the final 6 codes. Two of each format (Xbox One, PS4, PC). Get going!