November Xbox One Update Detailed

by on October 21, 2014

Xbox One’s clockwork like updates continue to trickle out of Redmond, with MS today detailing what we can expect to see in the November update.

The November update will bring Customisable backgrounds to the system for the first time. Users will be able to select a colour, or achievement image at first, with more options coming later. The update will also bring improvements to gamer profiles, allowing you to display your location and real name, if thats what you want to do. The niftiest addition looks to be the new Twitter integration, which will allow players to tweet a link to 30 second game clips, instantaneously.

There are also improvements to TV integration, with a trending tab being added to the One Guide in the US, UK and Canada – this will show the top twenty TV shows being watched at any given time, as well as letting you join in the #hashtag revolution through the guide, so you can communicate with other couch zombies about the latest soap, chat show or episode of homes under the hammer.

A full rundown of the new features can be seen over on Xbox Wire, or you can check out the embedded video. If you are lucky enough to be enrolled in the Xbox Preview Programme, the update is rolling out for you, today.