Calvin’s still busy hitting the E3 show floor, but he managed to spend a little time with a representative from Capcom to demonstrate Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
I'm a UK-based writer with a passion for gaming that spans over 2 decades. For years I've been interested in the history of video games and as a result I have quite the collection of console hardware, not to mention a brain bursting with gaming trivia and knowledge. I've been a part of the GodisaGeek family since 2011, writing, talking and doing videos throughout that time.
I also have my own YouTube channel, Pug Hoof Gaming ( and you can follow that on Twitter @TheLastMetroid
On Twitter I can be located @TheLastMetroid and I can be emailed at lee[at] I'd love to hear from you!
A veteran GIAG member, I've been writing, talking and taping for the site since 2011