At a gaming panel titled “Two Sides to Every Story – Tales from the Borderlands Unveiled at SXSW” it was revealed that you’ll experience Tales from the Borderlands narrative from two angles.
However, as Polygon reports, neither tale will be the whole truth, with both of the game’s lead characters, Fiona and Rhys, offering a slant on the truth.
These characters are typical Pandorians and not the usual Borderlands vault hunters, though characters from the first two lands titles may put in cameo appearances along the way.
Also of note is the approach to decisions in Tales from the Borderlands. TellTale’s Harrison Pink compared the scenes of choice to those featured in The Walking Dead, noting that in TellTale’s zombie series you often had to choose from two undesirable outcomes. In Tales from the Borderlands, though, it’s often a case of having to pick between to very desirable choices, which feeds in to Borderlands’ more comedic, greedy tone.
“We’ve got all this pent up comedy in boxes around the studio that we’ve been wanting to unpack,” said Telltale’s Kevin Bruner, pointing out that while the studio has become famous lately for The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, its roots are in the likes of Sam & Max.
Gearbox’s own Anthony Burch, lead writer on Borderlands 2, was also on hand to offer his take on the TellTale series. “Borderlands can be more than just shooting people in the face repeatedly. That it could be shooting people in the face repeatedly and then talking to them is a cool possibility for us.”
Tales from the Borderlands is shaping up to be something rather interesting…