Newsround is a bi-weekly show at 2pm, here on GodisaGeek. I, Colm Ahern, give you the run-down on the most note-worthy stories and rumours from every Tuesday & Friday, and you watch it with glee/hatred depending on how black your heart is.
Be sure to subscribe to the GodisaGeek YouTube channel so you never miss a show and follow GodisaGeek on Twitter for confirmation on when we go live. If you don’t tune in at 2pm, don’t worry! You can always catch the archived version that goes up, straight after the show ends.
On today’s show:
- Humble Bundle 11 is outstanding (HumbleBundle)
- Doom 4 is alive [also, something about Wolfenstein] (GodisaGeek)
- Twitch Plays Pokémon causes chat issues on Twitch (CVG)
- Fallout 4 news won’t be coming for a bit (Rock, Paper, Shotgun)
- Deep Down producer clarifies the lack of a female protagonist (Polygon)
- Diddy Kong is in Smash Bros (CVG)
- Forza 5 proves popular for Xbox One owners (GodisaGeek)
- “Cool Dad” Spencer says Gears of War 4 must “reignite” the franchise (OXM)
- Year of Luigi officially ends in March (Kotaku)
- Valve to release Dota 2 documentary in March (Kotaku)
- Towerfall: Ascension comes to PS4 in March, too (PlayStation Blog)
- The Walking Dead: Episode 2…yeah, March (CVG)
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch delayed until April on PS4 (Eurogamer)
- Sony will apparently reveal their VR headset at GDC (MCV)
- BioShock Vita is…still proabably never going to see the light of day (CVG)
- Irrational Games is closing its doors (GodisaGeek)