Daylight, the creepy camera phone horror title from Zombie studios, will be available on April 8 for $14.99 (€14.99/£11.99) on PC and PS4.
Zombie had more than this to reveal, mind. It was also confirmed that Daylight is fully 3D enabled on both PC and PS4, so if you have a TV/monitor that supports it you can have lots of gribbly monsters practically leaping into your lap!
Not only that, but Daylight is also Oculus Rift compatible. Y’know, in case you casually have one of those kicking around.
Oh yeah, and those streaming features. Get this; if you stream Daylight on PC, or via the PS4’s share button, viewers will be able to use the stream chat to activate in game effects.
The example Zombie offered (and is in no way final) is that if someone watching a stream types the word “Meow” into the chat, it causes the game to make a corresponding sound of a cat. Yikes!
Zombie were also quick to point out that all commands would be on timers, so you can’t spam them, and they’re not going to reveal the full list of words. You’re going to have to find them through experimentation.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds blummin’ phenomenal. And I don’t just mean from a horror game perspective, but in that it’s an interesting use of emerging trends. Hey, if people can play Pokémon via Twitch, they can spawn monsters too.