Newsround is a daily video show at 5pm, here on GodisaGeek. I, Colm Ahern, give you the run-down on the most note-worthy stories and rumours from the past 24 hours and you watch it with glee/hatred depending on how black your heart is.
Be sure to subscribe to the GodisaGeek YouTube channel so you never miss a show and follow me on Twitter for confirmation on when we go live. If you don’t tune in at 5pm, don’t worry! You can always catch the archived version that goes up, straight after the show ends.
On today’s show:
- Multiplayer DLC coming to Peggle 2 (Videogamer)
- Double Fine announces Hack n’ Slash (IGN)
- A game based on a book that was inspired by games is announced (GodisaGeek)
- Return to North Yankton in GTA Online (CVG)
- The Elder Scrolls Online is out next year (Joystiq)
- Smash Bros on Wii U and Mario Kart could be out Spring 2014 (Gamespot)
- Xbox One First party games go up in price (Videogamer)
- System update stabilises Xbox One (MajorNelson)
- Two million Xbox Ones sold-through, across the globe (MajorNelson)
- Xbox One could be delayed until Q3 2014 in some countries (Gamereactor)
- YouTubers getting “crippled” by copyright issues… (Kotaku)
- Some publishers trying to sort it out (CVG)