Microsoft have detailed a weekend of Black Friday discounts that will mark down several quality titles significantly.
The sale will take place from this Friday (the actual Black Friday) all the way through to next Monday (called Cyber Monday).
Weekend-long deals include Metro Last Light at 50% off, Mark of the Ninja 66% off, Tomb Raider 50% off, Fallout 3 50% off and all Fallout 3 DLC at 66% off.
Other deals are listed below.
On Friday and Monday special one-day deals will be available. Among the Friday deals are WWE 2K14 and Diablo III at 33% off and Rayman Legends at 50% off.
Monday has the biggest stars. Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, Far Cry: Blood Dragon and LA Noire will all be 75% off.