Anyone that has purchased a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and registered it on Nintendo UK’s website will be able to gift a copy of the game to a new 3DS owner thanks to a new promotion.
If you register Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version) with Club Nintendo before 22:59 (UK time) on 30th June, you’ll be able to receive a Recommendation Code which you can pass along to a friend. If your friend registers a Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 3DS XL system between 23:01 (UK time) on 3rd June and 22:59 (UK time) on 31st July 2013, and enters the Recommendation Code before 22:59 (UK time) on 5th August 2013, he/she will be eligible to receive a free Download Code for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS!
There are a lot of time specifics there so you may need to read it three of four times to get it straight. Put simply, if you know someone who hasn’t registered their 3DS on Club Nintendo yet, get them to do so with your recommendation code (received from registering Monster Hunter) and they will get a free copy of Monster Hunter. Lovely.
It’s unknown whether this will count as one of their three games towards the ‘so many games‘ promotion, but this is another generous offer from the Big N either way.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is a brilliant game, probably the best of its ilk, and it excels when played alongside other hunters. This promotion is a wonderful recruitment tool, so find some allies and get hunting!