Has Amazon Leaked the Xbox One’s Release Date in the US?

by on June 21, 2013

According to the US version of Amazon.com, the Xbox One Launch Day System and several of its games have changed from either no release date or December 31, 2013 to November 27, 2013. While some may speculate that this is simply a placeholder date, the PS4, its games, and other Xbox One launch titles are still unlisted. This date would be two days before Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year for most retailers.

The items listed as November 27, or earlier, include the Launch Day System, Assassin’s Creed IV: The Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza Motorspot 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, and Need for Speed Rivals. While we await official confirmation, this is the most likely date for the Xbox One shown so far. Stay tuned for more info as it is confirmed.