“Well, the first thing to observe,” said Holmes, uncharacteristically ecstatic, “is that they’ve switched from their home-made engine to the eponymous Unreal Engine 3 from Epic.”
He was of course referring to the upcoming release of Crimes and Punishments, the newest addition to the Testament of Sherlock Holmes series.
“From there, it’s not hard to deduce that this title will have much more draw to newcomers. I also suspect fans of the series will be all the more eager to return for more.”
The new engine will allow for enhanced graphics, undoubtedly, but will also facilitate the addition of new investigation mechanics. In true Sherlockian fashion, players will be able to build an entire profile on an individual through the simple observation of the things on their person.
Focus Home Interactive will showcase more on the new features in the coming weeks leading up to E3.
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