According to reports Sony’s PlayStation 4 will likely use DRM for used-games similar to that of Microsoft’s Xbox One.
How the Xbox One’s DRM would work was eventually eked out of Microsoft officials following the console’s unveiling last week, but Sony kept quiet following the announcement of the PS4 in February.
The reports come from the latest episode of Gametrailer’s Bonus Round, in which Geoff Keighley said he had “heard” that the PS4 will also attempt to stamp out the used game market.
“Sony has sort of been seen as this kind of white knight so far that’s not going to restrict used games,” said Keighley. “Based on some of the things I’m hearing, I don’t think that’s entirely true, because I can’t see publishers allowing one system to do one thing and one the other.”
Xbox One titles will require a mandatory install, with attempts to install the game on another console coming at a cost to the game’s new owner. A cost which will match the price set by Microsoft for the full priced game.
“Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games,” said Microsoft, but details are being kept under wraps, adding further confusion to the issue which wasn’t helped by Microsoft’s PR disaster following their press conference last Tuesday.