So you’ve finished Fire Emblem and are looking for the next turn-based treat to hit the 3DS? Well it just so happens that Project X Zone, the amazing Monolith – of Xenoblade fame – developed turn-based mash-up of Capcom, Namco Bandai and SEGA is just around the corner.
To whet appetites Capcom Unity have released a trailer showing off some of their characters that will appear in the game, both good and evil, alongside some lovely audible treats.
Street Fighter, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Ghouls and Ghosts, Classic Devil May Cry, they’re all here providing more than your yearly intake of fan-service in one hit.
If it looks a little confusing don’t worry – this isn’t a fighting game and it’s not designed as such. Single button presses pull off far more complicated things than they would in a Street Fighter or a Darkstalkers, with Project X Zone’s focus largely on the side of accessible, ridiculous fun. It’s just a more active way of dealing damage as you move fighters around a grid, really.
Enjoy the trailer below, and rejoice at the fact not everyone has forgotten about Mega Man.
Project X Zone will be released June 25 in North America and July 5 in Europe