Nintendo have taken the surprisingly direct step of launching a pop-up message on all Wii owners’ consoles, that politely tells them their system is out of date.
You know it, we know it, everybody knows it: Nintendo has a big Wii U Gamepad shaped problem on its hands. The system isn’t shifting the numbers the big N expects, and it needs to rectify the situation as soon as possible if it doesn’t want to go full on Dreamcast on us.
It seems that Nintendo has become aware that one of the biggest challenges it faces with getting the Wii U in more homes is the name itself: Wii U. It seems people just aren’t aware that the Wii U is an all new system, something Nintendo is trying to rectify with the pop up message all of you that still use your Wii will see in the coming days.
The message emphasises the fact that the Wii U is “an entirely new system!”. Not an add-on, not a peripheral, not a variant, but an entirely new system. Got that? Good.
We hope that Nintendo can turn the ship around, and bring us lots of the Nintendo goodness we all know they are capable of. It’s a great concept, all it needs now is the games. Oh, and the brand awareness, obviously. Thanks to Kotaku, you can see a picture of the message.