As you may have noticed, things look rather different on right about now. We’ve had a long-overdue facelift, but the reasons aren’t purely to show off fancy graphics and design, we want our content to be easily accessible to you, the reader.
So firstly, you may have noticed there’s more to see on the right hand side of the site. Now, as and when a new episode of The Retrocast, or The Dirtsheet goes up, sure, we’ll still post an article – but if you want to just get watching, it’ll be right there on the side of the post, always the latest episode. The Retrocast has also had an upgrade, starting this week, it’ll be in HD. We’re proud of this feature, and we think it’s the best retro video capture you’ll see anywhere, all coming from the original hardware. So if you’ve not yet taken a look, this week’s episode is the perfect time to do so.
Also on the right hand side, you may have noticed an “Upcoming Releases” section. That’s exactly what you’d think it was, a list of upcoming games, and where relevant, the name of the game will link to our review, or any relevant coverage of the game prior to our review. We’re also working on a full “release dates” page, where you can see further into the future.
As well as our shiny new logo, we’ve been working with Lee Johnson, a professional graphic designer, whose work you may have seen on things such as the Doctor Who box-sets. You can see his work any time you see one of our logos, but also when you read a review, for our new score icons.
Speaking of reviews, we’ve changed how we do them ever so slightly. We’ve removed the “sections”, that we feel were becoming dated, and – in all honesty – we want you to read the entirety of our review. We’ve still got a “verdict” section, if that’s really what you want to get to, but the reviews should flow better, and they should be an easier read now. We’ve almost moved the game information out of the body of text, and it’s now contained in the top right, and here’s an example of that in Colm’s Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon review.
You’ll also (hopefully) notice that “Video Game Radio Live” has appeared in the side section of the site, and you can listen in whenever we’re broadcasting (we’ll let you know on Twitter), but Ding! now happens live every Saturday at 12:00 midday, UK time. We’ll be bringing you more live content as time goes on, with other publications joining VGR, too. You can listen right on the homepage, or if you prefer, click the relevant audio format and it’ll start up in a separate player.
On the subject of podcasts, Saint & Greensie is coming to an end. We’ll never say never, but the last episode before it goes on hiatus is this week, so expect an emotional farewell there. But we do pride ourselves on bringing you plenty of audio content, as well as video and written content – so you’ll be pleased to know we have two new podcasts in the works. I don’t want to spoil them in advance, but I hope you’ll enjoy them both.
As you can imagine, it’s a fairly huge thing to upgrade the site in such a manner, so some small bits of work are still ongoing; things you hopefully won’t even notice. But if you find any bugs, or things you think look wonky, by all means drop them in the comment section at the bottom of this article.
Ultimately, this new look is all about the user experience. Everything we do is aimed at giving the reader the best site we can possibly give. That’s why we cover smaller titles, as well as the huge triple-A ones. That’s why we feature iOS content so heavily, as well as downloadable games, eShop games; the works.
As usual, you can say hi to any of the team via Twitter, and if you’re interested in finding out more about who provides the content, check out our team page.
Finally, I’d just like to say thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you have any suggestions – you know where we are.