Digital Extremes and Paramount Pictures will be bringing an all-new Star Trek action-adventure game to retail this coming friday, based around the newly rebooted Star Trek motion picture series. To show off the new game, they have been producing a series of “Making the Game” behind-the-scenes videos.
Part four of this video series has now been released, and it is entitled An Original Story. In this instalment, the producer on the title – Brian Miller – talks in-depth about how the story for this latest Star Trek adventure was carefully and lovingly crafted, in an attempt to make the game as exciting and involving for the player as possible.
The story and scripting for the game was written by BAFTA-award-winning writer Marianne Krawczyk – who is probably best known for writing the God of War series of games. The tale in Star Trek: The Video Game will be set sometime between the events of the 2009 reboot film and this year’s new Movie, Star Trek: Into Darkness. It will be very interesting to see how the game bridges the gap between the two film adventures.
See the fourth “Making the Game” video below:
Star Trek: The Video Game will be released on April 26 2013 in Europe and April 23 2013 in North America for Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.