If you’ve played BioShock Infinite, there’s a good chance you’re fit to burst with thoughts, theories and all manner of opinions on the game’s story. Well, so are we – so we’ve decided to record a spoilercast (podcast) about it, and take it live, this Saturday at 2pm UK time.
But that’s not the only live show this weekend, before the Spoilercast, you can listen to Ding! Live! too, which kicks off at 12:00 midday, again, UK time.
This is all a part of a new feature we’re bringing to you very soon, think of it as a test run. This is Video Game Radio. We’re deep in development of a new look GodisaGeek.com, and we decided that this was the right time to finally debut Video Game Radio (or VGR, in short). It’s something we’ve planned for a long time, and once it goes live proper, you’ll be able to tune in via GodisaGeek.com, with a browser or mobile device and listen to music from video games, as well as fresh new live shows, along with archived content too, like previous Godcast episodes, interviews, etc.
As for when this will all happen, we’re keeping that under a lid for now, as we don’t want to make promises we can’t deliver on, but it’s coming along nicely and is “coming soon”. For you, the reader, you’ll still be able to read all of the content we publish as per usual, but we’ll be bringing it all to you in a nicer looking package, with instant access right on the home page to VGR, as well as the latest episodes of our exclusive video series’, like The Dirtsheet, or The Retrocast.
We’re all very excited, and we hope you are too. So tune in this weekend for your first taste of Video Game Radio LIVE, and let us know what you think! You can tune in, below, and hey – you may even find us testing things out, if you click play now and again!
- Ding! Live! – 12:00 noon, UK time
- BioShock Infinite Spoilercast – 2pm, UK time