Just like a good number of other people, we’ve been playing SimCity, here at GodisaGeek.com, for the past week. We thought that it would be a good idea to show you the city the we created, as it developed, through a series of daily, diary style videos.
We’ll be bringing you a new video each day this week, so be sure to check back daily to watch the progression of, what we called, Jaynestown (we’re big Firefly fans here, as you can probably tell).
This fifth, and last, video in the series shows just how difficult the game can become when you reach the boundaries of the city that you’ve been creating. Trying to keep all of the Sims happy while creating all the different zones and increasing the amount of simoleons that everything earns can become a hugely daunting task. Things are alleviated, somewhat, by entering into partnerships with other people, or by creating another city to help the first one out in the areas that it’s missing, but there’s no doubt that things get almost unmanageable after only a couple of hours of play. Especially for new players.
Let us know how you’re finding SimCity in the comments below. SimCity is available now for Windows PC and is due to appear on Macs later in the year.