Hi there listener, come on in! Episode 55, which we’re calling “It actually tasted of feces” sees the ever present S&G whip out their swords…and that’s not a euphemism.
Sure, they’ve been around a while now, and many games include certain elements of this particular genre, but we feel that hack n’ slash games have really come into their own over the last number of years. The Metal Gear Risings and Lords of Shadows, arguably, owe a lot to one baldy, Greek God.
What should the guys talk about next week? Tell our duo in the comments section below, or catch them on Twitter; @BigSeany1979/@Colm_Ahern
How's things? I'm the video guy and would love if you'd watch the things I do like Debatable and For Your Amusement. I spend the majority of my days explaining why The Wire is the greatest TV show ever and clamouring for a Pop-Punk revival(c. 1994) whilst singing in my best Axl Rose-esque voice. Do not say professional wrestling is “fake” around me or, he’ll bore you with, what I like to call, “the risks they take”. Henrik Larsson is my hero.