Leader of the Yellow Lanterns, master of fear, and owner of the worst receding hairline since Hugo Weaving, Sinestro has been revealed for Injustice: Gods Among Us.
As with previous weeks this popularity contest asks you to choose a winner in two match-ups. This week it’s Superman vs. Sinestro and Green Arrow vs. Hawkgirl.
The video below shows a smattering of good looking arenas alongside brief glimpses of characters sandwiched in-between painfully enthusiastic commentary.
The Battle Arena itself will be entering quarter finals from next week, which should make things a little more interesting. Don’t forget to check out the extra commentary on this week’s match-ups from Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes, as it’s probably the best thing about this campaign.
Injustice: Gods Among Us, in case you’ve missed the constant stream of information and videos regarding the game, is Mortal Kombat makers NetherRealm Studios really rather good looking DC based fighting game.
These battle arena videos are fine but crickey, I wish there was more game to waffle. At least at the end of the week we’ll get to see Supes whalloping Sinestro’s hairline back another hundred miles, that’ll be good.
Don’t forget to vote on who you want to win by visiting the Injustice: Gods Among Us website here, and get some free DLC while you’re at it.
Injustice: Gods Among Us will be released on April 19 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii U.