This week…The RetroCast becomes mayor!
The GodisaGeek Retrocast is a weekly videocast wherein Robin Parker and myself (Lee Garbutt) take a look at some classic games from the 8 and 16-bit eras.
This week, Lee and Robin go back to early SNES-era gaming with one of the system’s early yet unusual titles. This console take on the classic SimCity makes good use of the SNES, and considering everything is controlled via joypad, the whole game is surprisingly playable!
If you enjoy the show, please let us know by posting comments on the YouTube video, or by Following us on Twitter (@TheRetrocast) and telling us there. You can keep up with The Retrocast and view all our episodes on the GodisaGeek YouTube channel.
Next week’s GIAG Retrocast will cover an absolute classic – A game so important that we’ve broken our rules to cover it!
We’ll be back next Tuesday with another episode of The GodisaGeek Retrocast!