Back in 2012, we added two new podcasts to our network, on top of the original Godcast (every Monday) we introduced the comedic pairing of Sean and Colm as Saint & Greensie, which you can hear every Wednesday. Just days later we added Ding!, the MMORPG specific podcast to our weekly stable. In late 2012 we added our first video-show, The DirtSheet, which airs every Sunday at 12:00 midday.
But back to 2013, it’s time for us to unleash The RetroCast upon you, which you’ll be able to watch every Tuesday at 9am.
The RetroCast is a weekly video-show that features a selected retro game, and features our very own experts, Lee Garbutt and Robin Parker, discussing the finer merits (or not, in some cases) of the retro game in question.
This first episode couldn’t be more timely, with Aliens: Colonial Marines coming very soon. We’ll eventually be bringing you alternative ways to watch and download the show, but for now, sit back and enjoy The RetroCast Episode One: Alien 3 – and subscribe to our youtube channel to get the latest episode straight away, every week.
The Retrocast will return every Tuesday, we’ll see you then!