The GodisaGeek RetroCast is a weekly videocast wherein Robin Parker and myself (Lee Garbutt) take a look at some classic games from the 8 and 16-bit eras.
The RetroCast has barely been running a month, and we’ve already broken one of our own rules. This week we’re looking at a 32-bit game, something we won’t be doing that much, if at all. But quite frankly, this game is worthy of being an exception.
With Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance recently released, we thought it necessary to wax lyrical about Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation. Watch on to see me make terrible gameplay mistakes, and why Psycho Mantis would frown on anyone who owns SpiceWorld.
If you enjoy the show, please let us know by posting comments on the YouTube video, or by Following us on Twitter (@TheRetrocast) and telling us there. You can keep up with The Retrocast and view all our episodes on the GodisaGeek YouTube channel.
The RetroCast will be back with another classic game, next Tuesday!
I'm a UK-based writer with a passion for gaming that spans over 2 decades. For years I've been interested in the history of video games and as a result I have quite the collection of console hardware, not to mention a brain bursting with gaming trivia and knowledge. I've been a part of the GodisaGeek family since 2011, writing, talking and doing videos throughout that time.
I also have my own YouTube channel, Pug Hoof Gaming ( and you can follow that on Twitter @TheLastMetroid
On Twitter I can be located @TheLastMetroid and I can be emailed at lee[at] I'd love to hear from you!
A veteran GIAG member, I've been writing, talking and taping for the site since 2011