PlayStation Cloud: Is this one of Sony’s Big Reveals?

by on February 20, 2013

PlayStation-CloudWith the 20th very much upon us, hype couldn’t be any higher right now amongst gamers (hopefully, because who wouldn’t be excited about the next generation, after 8 years in this one?).

But Kotaku’s intrepid internet sleuth, Superannuation, has uncovered some interesting domain name registrations right before the big PlayStation Meeting.

The name? PlayStation Cloud.

Now, with the acquisition of Gaikai, it seemed almost certain that Sony would do something cloud-gaming-based in the future, but Superannuation has uncovered three domain registrations, all attributed to a Gaikai e-mail address.

PlayStation-Cloud.comPS-Cloud.net and PlayStation-Cloud.org are all registered to the same Gaikai e-mail address. However, it still needs to be treated with a pinch of salt, as this isn’t the first time PlayStation Cloud has been “uncovered”, in fact it stretches back to 2009. But with Gaikai in the picture now, and the PlayStation Meeting taking place tonight, it seems like now is a better time than ever to reveal what Sony’s plans are for the cloud-based service, Gaikai.

So, with the PlayStation Meeting taking place in a little under 15 hours (depending on when you read this, obviously), the plot thickens…kind of. You can, of course, watch the meeting right here on GodisaGeek, so make sure you come back here and share your thoughts with us as it happens.