AppyNation, a Developer of awesome mobile games, have sent us the details of their next project.
Everyone loves a good wordsearch (well, I do, anyway) and this one is developed by Supersonic, the people who made Micro Machines and Top Gear. The game is set to release on not just iOS, but also Android and PC.
As per the name of the game, AppyNation claim it’s the world’s biggest wordsearch (and they’re applying to Guinness to try and make that official), but they say (and this is crucial) that it’s the best wordsearch, because it features over 40 hours of gameplay and 5,500 words.
But there’s a catch, Supersonic need your help! If you’d like to play this and be a part of a world record attempt, then head on over the the kickstarter page and give them your support!
Have a look at some screenshots of the game, below, then give them your money! (If you want to, sorry for being pushy there).
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