We’ve just received a bundle of screens from IO Interactive of their upcoming HITMAN: HD TRILOGY release.
Fans of the Hitman series of games will be pleased as punch to know that the first three Hitman sequels are getting a makeover, putting on a new HD hat and making their way to Xbox 360 and PS3 at the end of the month.
HITMAN 2: SILENT ASSASSIN, HITMAN: CONTRACTS and HITMAN: BLOOD MONEY will all be loaded on to one disc and shipped out to Hitman fans January 29th across Europe. This release follows hot on the heels of the first all new Hitman game in six years, Hitman: Absolution, which we rather enjoyed here at GodisaGeek.
If Absolution was your first piece of Hitman pie, then you may well want to check out the screens below, and possibly pick up the HD Trilogy when it’s released at the end of the month. The screens show that it’s pretty much just a resolution boost that the old games will be receiving, so expect plenty of stretched textures and last-gen animation. We’re in it for the gameplay though, right? Right..
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HITMAN: HD TRILOGY is due for release January 29th on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3