Remember a few months back when everyone was really worried about Dante’s new haircut? How we all doubted Ninja Theory’s ability to deliver a top-notch Devil May Cry, basing all our fears and trepidation on the fact that the protagonist had dark hair? Well, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that Dante was just as kick-ass when he was a snot-nosed brat.
This new 5-minute gameplay video, entitled “Home Truths”, sees the Son of Sparda returning to his childhood home and awakening the spirit of his demon-slaying father, before ripping brand new holes in a whole bunch of nasties. If it accomplishes nothing else, at the very least it shows the gameplay to be as well thought-out and as fluid as you’d expect from the series: Massive combos, weapon-switching on the fly, use of open space to manoeuvre around your putrid opponents – all are present and correct. It just goes to show that neither the clothes, nor the hair, make the man.
Check out the trailer and immediately cancel January.
DmC: Devil May Cry is set for release on January 15 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game is set to release at a later date for Windows PC.