While it was never a certainty that Irrational Games were working on a multiplayer mode for Bioshock Infinite, it was rumoured for a while that the integration of an online component was the reason that its release was pushed all the way from October this year to February of next.
Having sampled the sub-par, superfluous multiplayer in the above-par, superfluous Bioshock 2, we were all hoping that if Infinite did indeed contain multiplayer Irrational would be taking zero cues from 2K Marin and redesigning the whole mode themselves.
Which is all now moot, as Irrational’s co-founder and Creative Director Ken Levine has confirmed via the social klaxon that is Twitter that there will be no multiplayer in Bioshock Infinite. Tweeting on the 25th November, Levine was very unambiguous about the lack of multiplayer. The image below really says it all:
What hasn’t been entirely ruled out is some kind of online component, even if it’s not multiplayer in the real sense. More and more these days games are using social networking to post leaderboard scores or upload gameplay videos direct to sites like YouTube, or even allowing players to communicate with one another through in-game mechanics without an actual co-operative or competitive mode.
That being said, Bioshock Infinite may well be more impressive if it does ship as a pure single player experience; recently it always feels like a breath of fresh air when a developer doesn’t shoehorn a multiplayer mode into a new release. We’ll keep you up to date as and when new information becomes available. In the meantime, here’s the awesome Beast of America trailer just for the hell of it.
Bioshock Infinite will be released in Europe on February 26 2013 for Windows PC, PlayStation 3 and xbox 360.