We’ve been talking about doing this for a long time, and we’ve finally gotten around to it. This edition of Godcast Extra is a two hour discussion on every decision that feels vital, every tear-inducing moment, of Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
It should go without saying, but if you’ve not played the series through to completion, then hang fire on hitting the play button. We do talk about the episodes in order, but within each one we may allude to later moments.
But most importantly, we want to hear what decisions you made, especially if they are contrary to ours, so let us know in the comment section below.
So sit back and enjoy two hours of The Walking Dead discussion.
Remember, aside from just listening on this very page, we’ve made it easy to follow the show on as many devices as possible. You can subscribe via iTunes or Feedburner (for you Android users), or you can even listen to the podcast via Stitcher, the mobile internet radio app that we highly recommend. If you’d prefer a simple old-fashioned MP3 download, you can do so by right clicking here then selecting save file.