[Closed] Competition: Win Half Minute Hero Goodies
We’ve teamed up with Marvelous AQL to offer you some Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy prizes.
But what goodies, we hear you ask? Well, first prize will win a copy of the game on PC and an exclusive wrist watch for Half Minute Hero (pics below), with five runners-up receiving a PC code for the game too.
So, plenty of chances to enter, and that watch is gorgeous, we think you’ll agree. But how do you get involved?
First, you have to be in the UK (sorry!) and adhere to our terms and conditions, but otherwise, all you have to do is answer this simple question:
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Terms and Conditions: The competition is open to UK RESIDENTS ONLY aged 18 OR OVER. The closing date for the competition is 10am on Friday, October 5 . The winner of this competition will be chosen by the editors of GodisaGeek, and the winner will be notified by email. Any entries that do not meet the criteria listed will be disregarded, and the decision of GodisaGeek.com Management is final, with no appeal considered. Full terms and conditions can be found here.
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For more information about the game, you can check the official site. Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy is released for Windows PC today on September 27.