2K Games and Gearbox Invite You to Leap Off a Crane to Celebrate the Launch of Borderlands 2
In a marketing campaign that apparently knows no bounds, 2K Games and Gearbox Software are now offering free bungee jumps to prove “how psycho you are” and win a copy of the game. No, seriously.
A special Borderlands 2 bungee crane has been erected at Brick Lane in London, and everyone over 18 is invited to come on down and hurl themselves off it for a laugh.
2K Games UK PR Manager, Ben Lawrence, explains the bonkers mentality behind the rather brilliant stunt: “We want to provide an afternoon of extreme fun and discover just how psycho Borderlands 2 fans can get. A bungee jump is the perfect way to truly test your nerves and we’re excited to bring the insane pleasure of the game into the real world!” Quite.
It’s all run on a first-come, first-served basis, starting at 10am through til 4pm at the Old Truman Brewery, London, on 23rd September.
Borderlands 2 is being developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games and is due to launch in North America tomorrow and across Europe this Friday.