Microsoft Move to Deny “New Xbox” Quote

by on August 7, 2012

Microsoft-Move-to-Deny-New-Xbox-QuoteMicrosoft say the comment made by Windows Live General Manager Brian Hall, referring to a “new Xbox“, was not understood in its intended context.

In a statement made to IGN, Microsoft said:

The comments to The Verge were not understood in their intended context. When Brian mentioned a ‘new wave of products,’ he was referring to the full lineup of products coming later this year from Microsoft, including Windows 8, Office, Windows Phone and of course our fall Xbox update which will bring a host of new consumer experiences like Xbox Music, Videos, Games on Windows 8 and Xbox SmartGlass.

So that’s Microsoft’s story and no doubt they’re sticking to it. Regardless of what Hall did or didn’t mean, we all know a new Xbox is in the works, for now though we’ll just have to sit and wait.