[CLOSED] Competition: Win London 2012 for PS3 and other Olympic Goodies!
Who doesn’t love a good competition? What could make it better? Being relevant!
We’re right in the middle of London 2012 as we speak, with nations trying their hardest to take home the gold, so we thought we’d give away some Olympic goodies to a few of our lovely readers! We have two copies of London 2012 along with two London 2012 T-Shirts, and a load of Team GB style mobile accessories, including a Samsung S3 case, and a couple of iPad cases (1) (2) . Both copies of the game are on PlayStation 3, so get your Move controllers ready folks!
All you have to do to win is answer this simple question: What score did Robin Parker give the London 2012 game when he reviewed it recently?
[contact-form 9 “London 2012 Comp”]
We’ll pick two winners who will each win a copy of the game, T-Shirt, and a bundle of mobile accessories.
Thanks to SEGA and ProPorta for providing these awesome items for our Olympic giveaway!
Terms and Conditions: The competition is open to UK RESIDENTS ONLY aged 18 OR OVER. The closing date for the competition is 5pm on Tuesday 14th August . The winner of this competition will be chosen by the editors of GodisaGeek, and the winner will be notified by email. Any entries that do not meet the criteria listed will be disregarded, and the decision of GodisaGeek.com Management is final, with no appeal considered. Full terms and conditions can be found here.