Gearbox Reveal Borderlands 2 Vault Veteran Rewards
Gamers who played the original Borderlands will receive some unique unlocks in the much anticipated sequel.
In order to unlock the vault rewards you’ll need to have a save file from the original game, apart from that though all you’ll have to do is boot up Borderlands 2 and enjoy.
So far the rewards seem to be limited to exclusive heads and skins but more could be revealed later down the line. If you want to get the most out of Borderlands 2, consider picking up one of the amazing special editions.
Gearbox Software look to be sitting on one of the year’s biggest hits, for more on the game check out our interview with Art Director, Jeramy Cooke. A full preview will also be going live on the site this Friday.
Borderlands 2 is set for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, it’ll hit the US September 18th, and everywhere else on September 21st.