If you’re anything like me, then when 1999 rolled around and the first Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game was released upon the world, you jumped all over it, completing everything that the game had to offer.
In a world where almost everything gets a HD remake (whether they’re worth it or not), it’s the turn of the genre defining extreme sport series to get the upgrade. With favourite levels from the first two Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater games, all of which were voted for by fans of the game, and with more promised down the line in the form of DLC, will the HD return of Tony Hawk be as great as people are hoping, or should it have stayed in our distant, nostalgic memories? You’ll have to wait for the GodisaGeek.com review to find out what we truly thought of the game, but seeing as the game is out now, and a lot of you will be wanting to see it in action, we thought we’d put together a little video for you.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD is out now on Xbox LIVE Arcade for 1,200 Microsoft Points and will be released on the PlayStation Network and PC later on in the Summer. Will you be picking it up? Have you already picked it up? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to keep your eyes on GodisaGeek.com for the review soon!