E3 2012: South Park: The Stick of Truth Trailer
The Microsoft E3 2012 press conference yielded some interesting information, but one surprise – of sorts – was the inclusion of Matt Stone and Trey Parker coming out to talk about South Park: The Stick of Truth.
Developed by Obsidian, the creative duo remarked how it was odd for them to have to map out the town as they’d never really thought about having to describe where Kyle’s house is, or where South Park Elementary is in relation to it.
Whilst we were hoping for some footage from in the game, the trailer really has wet the appetite, and knowing the animation style is replicated pretty much perfectly, perhaps the trailer was from in game? Either way, we can’t wait to create our hero and get playing this.
South Park: The Stick of Truth is set for a 2013 release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.