First 15 Minutes: Lollipop Chainsaw

by on June 30, 2012

A lot of us here at GodisaGeek.com have been looking forward to Lollipop Chainsaw since we first saw it about a year ago. It look suitably Suda 51-esque in the sense that it looked absolutely mental. Well, the time has finally come where the game is on store shelves, we’ve played it, we’ve reviewed it and we enjoyed it.

To further that enjoyment, as well as showing you all just HOW crazy Lollipop Chainsaw is, we’ve put together a video of the first 15 minutes of the game. It doesn’t make any apologies for what it is, and it’s one of those game that you’re going to know if you’re going to enjoy it or not in the first 15 minutes of the game.

So sit back, relax and prepare to get a little crazy.

Lollipop Chainsaw is available now for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3