New Metro: Last Light Screenshots Revealed, Minds Blown
Way back at E3 2011, one of the most talked about titles at GodisaGeek was Metro: Last Light.
Simply put, we were all astonished at just how incredible the game was looking at the early stages we saw. Thankfully, this was no fluke and as you’ll find out when you read Joe’s preview of the title tomorrow, the game is still looking incredible.
To hold you over until our preview goes live, we’ve got some brand new screenshots (and a live-action trailer) to show you. Holy cow, you don’t need to tell us how amazing they look, but feel free to do so in the comments section below.
This isn’t the only potentially incredible title that THQ is putting out though, you can also read Joe’s previews of Darksiders II and Company of Heroes 2 as well.
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Metro: Last Light is set for a 2013 release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.