GodisaGeek’s E3 2012 Predictions – Nintendo
The final round of our E3 predictions revolve around Nintendo –
We already know the Wii U will be on the agenda, but what else are we predicting?
All this week on GodisaGeek.com, we’re predicting the event’s of next week’s E3 trade show. To remind you all what the deal is with these predictions: Back in April, I asked our talented team of writers to come up with some predictions for four different press conference categories (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo & Third-Parties). Within these conferences, I asked for three different types of prediction:
- Likely – Things that we believe will definitely happen during the conferences.
- Maybe – Things that could happen, but aren’t certain.
- Unlikely – Flights of fancy that will probably not happen (but it would be nice if they did)
All staff were given a date of Monday, May 14th to give me their predictions, and were asked to keep them secret. All week I will be posting our predictions, and after E3 I’ll be taking a look to see who was right. Now for our final conference!
The Wii is on its last legs, the 3DS needs some new software, and the Wii U needs to amaze the industry. Nintendo have recently suffered financial losses for the first time in their history – Make no mistake, this is a crucial E3 for the oldest gaming company in the world. They need to pull something out of the bag, but what?
Unsurprisingly, the Wii U dominates our predictions. It would be foolish of Nintendo for them to not be correct, as we really need some details on the eagerly awaited system.
Calvin: Some Wii U launch titles will be announced (primarily third party). Release date and price of the console to be set.
Adam: Full launch lineup (including brand new Mario and a Zelda games) and release date, pricing too.
Martin: Release date and cost of the Wii U, plus a look at the launch line-up.
Robin: Wii U Mario game to be unveiled.
Joe: A focus on the Wii U.
Colm: The announcement of a Mario Wii U game being the launch title, rectifying the lack of a launch window Mario title on Nintendo 3DS.
Lee: A lot of third party release announcements for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Expect a slideshow containing a load of logos for upcoming games.
Some slightly more interesting predictions in this category – All of which are a possibility. Are Nintendo willing to reveal a 3DS hardware revision at the same time as unveiling the Wii U?
Calvin: Wii U to be rebranded (ala the Revolution’s rebranding as the Wii).
Adam: The news that Wii U will support more than one tablet controller, per console.
Martin: The announcement of support for multiple Wii U tablet controllers, per console.
Robin: A look at a new 3DS hardware design, that incorporates two circle pads into a smaller handheld.
Joe: Announcement of a new Mario or Zelda game.
Colm: Hopefully a name change from Wii U, to something else.
Lee: Nintendo showing off a new IP with the help of a celebrity (rumours point to Eminem, but I don’t believe this to be the case).
It’s this category, where the feelings for Nintendo start to show. It’s safe to say that Nintendo have been afraid to leave their comfort zone for some time – Will this year be any different?
Calvin: An announcement of a new 3Ds hardware revision.
Adam: A Nintendo 3DS hardware revision, followed by another price drop. I think they’d be shooting themselves in the foot announce a 3DS revision at this point.
Martin: I quote, “Any games that are relevant to the current gaming market” (Meow).
Robin: Mario to feature as a DLC fighter in the next Mortal Kombat game.
Joe: The announcement of new IP from Nintendo.
Colm: Something new and interesting from Nintendo! Sick of them releasing Mario, Kirby, Zelda and so many others, over and over again.
Lee: A look at the Wii U’s online infrastructure, including multiplayer and digital distribution strategy.
That’s it for our E3 2012 predictions. We’ll be discussing these predictions and more on a very special pre-E3 episode of the Godcast! Until then, play along at home and making your own predictions in the comments.