First 5 Minutes: Awesomenauts

by on May 8, 2012

We love quirky games here at GodisaGeek.com, we often find ourselves lost in them for hours at a time, unable to break free of their grasp; even if we can’t quite explain why we’re so hooked. Some of us are hooked to 2D side scrolling action games such as Shank (and its sequel), while others find ourselves drawn towards games such as League of Legends from time to time. With that in mind, imagine our excitement when we heard about Awesomenauts from Ronimo Games, a game that effectively blends the two genres together into a single “awesome” concoction.

Yeah, we were pretty amazed to say the least.

Sit back, relax, and watch as we give you a little look at the beginning of Awesomenauts

Awesomenauts is available now through Xbox LIVE Arcade and the Sony Entertainment Network. Furthermore, if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you can get the game for absolutely free right now. So you’ve got no excuse.