Minecraft Developer Notch Reveals New Game
Minecraft developer and all around good guy Notch has today revealed a new project, 0x10c.
With Minecraft selling an impressive 5.5 million copies, Mojang certainly have a fair bit of cash to fund a new title, and it seems they’re thinking big with 0x10c.
The game takes place in a parallel universe where the space race never stopped. It’s 1988 when deep sleep cells malfunction causing people to wake up in the year 281 474 976 712 644 AD. The universe is coming to the end of its life bearing phase, star formation has long since ended, and massive black holes dominate the galaxy.
Now the mathematically minded amongst you may know that 0x is the prefix given for numeric constants represented in Hexadecimal, 0x10 = 16, C = 12, and 16^12 = 2.81474977 x10^14 or 281474976710656, now 1988 + 281474976710656 = 281474976712644 or the year the game takes place in. So clever stuff from the boys at Mojang, clever or needlessly complicated depending on your view point.
The game is still in extremely early development but Notch has already said they hope to release it early, so players can help shape the game like they did with Minecraft. He also stated the game would likely involve a monthly fee.
In a list of game features was also given:
- Lots of engineering.
- Fully working computer system.
- Space battles against the AI or other players.
- Abandoned ships full of loot.
- Duct tape!
- Seamlessly landing on planets.
- Advanced economy system.
- Random encounters.
- Mining, trading, and looting.
- Single and multi player connected via the multiverse.
Now as incredibly enticing as all those features may be, one stands out in particular, fully working computer system. The ships will contain “fully functioning emulated 16 bit CPU that can be used to control your entire ship, or just to play games on while waiting for a large mining operation to finish.” Full specs of the CPU will be released soon, allowing players with the right skill set a chance to get a head start.
For more information including updates on where the game is in development, click here.
So are you excited about Notch’s latest project? We here at GodisaGeek certainly are!