Dragon’s Dogma Demo Out Next Week
If Dragon’s Dogma excites you for more reasons than just getting early access to the Resident Evil 6 demo, you’ll be happy to know that it too is getting a demo and it’s available next week.
The demo will be available on both Xbox LIVE and SEN, and will include 2 challenging encounters for players to experience. The demo will let you sample two of the games characters classes, the melee specialist and the Strider.
The melee specialist is pretty self-explanatory, skilled in both attacks and counterattacks players will battle their way through underground tunnels. At the end of which they’ll have to slay the mighty Chimera. This quest acts as a prologue, set before the events of the main game.
The swift and agile Strider is deadly with bows and daggers, and players will need to use both in order to bring down the awesome Griffin. This quest is set on the open plains that surround the capital of Gransys.
The best part of the demo and the reason everyone thinking of picking up the full game should play it, is transferable data. Using the in-depth character creator you’ll be able to design your playable character as well as your main Pawn, both of which will be transferable to the main game, providing of cause you go out and buy it.
If you want to know more about Dragon’s Dogma why not check out our preview.
The demo will be available on Xbox LIVE and SEN April 24th, European SEN users who will have to wait till the following day.
The full game will be available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 22nd in the US and May 25th in Europe.