Activision Court Controversy With Edgy Trailer – Only Over 18s Need Apply!
Why has everything got to be “edgy” these days, eh? Back in my day the kids were happy with Wizball, and Mario. But explicit gore, violence and possibly sexual swear words not suitable for a family website are de rigeur in these times of dubstep, legal highs, setting Croydon on fire and knife crime – which is perhaps why Activision have decided to take the bold step of producing what they are calling “the world’s first ever over-18 live outdoor ad” for their forthcoming Prototype 2 game by Radical Entertainment.
We are not entirely sure what to expect by this statement, other than the fact it is “of such an explicit nature….it has been recommended as only suitable for those over the age of 18, and it shall take place after the 9pm watershed to avoid a younger audience.” In The Night Garden, it isn’t. We are promised actual proper actors playing the parts of series protagonist Sgt James Heller, in a gory throwdown with his nemesis Alex Mercer, as well as a whole load of presumably lambs-to-the-slaughter Blackwatch military and Infected goons.
Oh, and fans can get involved too – by choosing their own ending to the advert via an online Facebook vote ahead of the live event, which will be streamed live on the Prototype 2 Facebook page ( at 9pm on the night of Sunday 22nd April for those unable to witness the Mary Whitehouse-baiting carnage at first hand.
Those who want to find out more can also follow Radical on Twitter at as well as checking out exlusive screens at
UPDATE: We’ve six images and a video for you to enjoy, below.
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Prototype 2 Is Released For Xbox 360 And PlayStation 3 On 24th April 2012