New Combat Trailer Released for the Game of Thrones RPG – Complete with Narration

by on March 15, 2012

The new Game of Thrones RPG, based on the hugely popular series of books by George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire, has just launched its official website over at GameOfThrones-RPG.com.In order to celebrate that fact they have also just released a brand new trailer that showcases the upcoming games combat system. Complete with narration.

Using this new combat system players will be able to slow down time in order to analyse their opponent and figure out their weak spots, enabling them to attack with efficient and devastating blows. You haven’t come here to hear me tell you about the combat system though, you want to see it! So here you go, the trailer in all its glory!

The Game of Thrones RPG is set to be released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC on May 15th, 2012.