Show Capcom & Namco Your Best Moves & Become Street Fighter X Tekken Dance Champions

by on February 3, 2012

Street Fighter X TekkenCapcom, the CALM charity and dance group One Motion want to see you dance (sucka!) to the beat of your favourite Street Fighter X Tekken combatant. Show ’em your moves!Street Dancing has been everywhere over the past couple of years, with some groups’ routines being inspired by video games on many an occasion. With that in mind, Capcom are asking fighting game fans to act out their favourite special moves on camera.

If you want to get involved, check out the Street Fighter X Tekken soundtrack here, then have a little look at the following two YouTube videos for inspiration. Video your versions of these iconic moves, and send them to competition@capcom.com. Entries will be judged by representatives of Capcom, CALM (The charity that aims to reduce suidide rates for men under 35) and members of dance group One Motion – Two finalists will battle in a live event, with the winner having their routine profesionally filmed. The winner will also receive tickets to Move It 2012, at London’s Olympia on 9-11th March.

Full details are here – So get crackin’!