In this edition of First Look we have a 15 minute clip showing you the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network title that was recently released; Amy. Developed by VectorCell and published by Lexis Numérique, Amy is a survival horror game with stealth aspects thrown in for good measure.
You play as Lana, a woman who is accompanying a child called Amy from some kind of orphanage and taking her to a hospital. As you will see in the introduction, there has obviously been some terrible things done to Amy. Unfortunately the train seems to crash, and the last thing that Lana sees is the Train Conductor transforming into a grizzly monster and knocking her out. Upon Lana awakening, she finds that Amy has gone and that she is in the middle of some kind of outbreak. Can she find Amy and escape this contamination? You’ll have to get the game to find out!
So here for your enjoyment, in glorious HD is the first 15 minutes of Amy. Enjoy!
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Amy is available to purchase now on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network. Amy will be available on PC at a later date.