WildStar Week, Day 1: Meet the Sarge
Today is the start of a pretty exciting week here at GodisaGeek.com, not only have we got the Game of the Year content to tide you over, including multiple articles and podcasts, we’ve also got exclusive content from the people over at Carbine Studios and NCSoft, about their upcoming MMORPG WildStar, to share with you all.
For the first day of exclusive WildStar content we have to share with you all we have an interview with one of the games three major stars, Sarge. Sarge is a Granok and can be seen in the trailer for the game, appearing just after he almost dumps a crate full of ammunition and weaponry right on Liara’s head. It’s easy to pick up on Sarge’s character from that short trailer alone but how about getting to know the person behind that tough exterior? Well, I can’t promise that he’ll open up too much but here’s an interview with the man himself…
Character: The Sarge
Race: Granok
Class: Warrior
Path: Soldier
Q: So tell me a little about yourself.
A: Me? Not much to tell. Just a workin’ stiff tryin’ to make his way out there in the big, bad galaxy. You know how it is.
Q: And by ‘working’ you mean being a mercenary, correct?
A: Well I ain’t talkin’ about pickin’ flowers, buddy.
Q: *Laughs* Why don’t you talk about your line of work?
A: Sure. I mean, basically I get paid to crack skulls. Battles. War. That kind of thing. Anytime, anywhere. Lock and load, baby. Slag ‘em, tag ‘em, and bag ‘em.
Q: I see. Basically, you fight for money.
A: You said it, pal. Cold, hard cash up front. Gotta pay the bills somehow.
Q: What kind of ‘bills’ do you have to pay? It’s not like you’ve got a mortgage…
A: No. Nothin’ like that. Us Granok, we ain’t really got a home. None of us have been back to Gnox since…well, we ain’t been there for a long time. And that’s all I’m gonna say about it.
Q: Gnox? Is that your homeworld?
A: Yeah.
Q: Can you tell me about what happened there?
A: I said I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t make me say it again, chief.
* Liara, readings indicate we’ve got an active Eldan device down on the surface and I’m gettin’ reports that it might
be causin’ the storm that’s ragin’ down there. I need someone with your kinda brains to get down and try to figure
out how that thing works, maybe warm things up a bit. And try to keep those other two idiots you’re hangin’ out with in line.
* Buck, I need you to explore the area and get accurate terrain data and fast. Rumor has it that the ship crash is
causing avalanches all over the place down there so watch yourself. And by the way, do me a favor and try to
stick to the mission…I don’t want you wandering off and getting into trouble. I’m still in hot water from the last time
you decided to take a ‘detour’.
* Sarge, I hope you and ol’ Blue are ready for some action, because those Dominion slagheads that hit us are
camped out in the southern end of the zone. I’m assumin’ I don’t need to tell you what to do next? Hit ‘em hard,
soldier. After you bury those bastards come find me at HQ and we’ll throw back a few beers. You’re buyin’.
I want Research Team Alpha to report to me on the Ruin as soon as they get those survivors clear. And I do mean
immediately. The last thing I need is those three tearing around Nexus without something official to do.
Q: Understood. So what do you need money for?
A: The usual. Fuel. Weapons. Explosives. And, of course, beer.
Q: Beer, did you say? Interesting. So, you enjoy beer?
A: Do I ‘enjoy’ beer? Heh. Does an M17 Blastorex Avenger leave a foot wide exit wound? Yeah, I like beer. Hell, I love beer. Cold beer. Beer in a can. Beer in a bottle. Beer in a 68 gallon keg. It’s definitely my favorite food, no doubt about it.
Q: Would it be accurate to say that you enjoy a few beers after each battle?
A: Absolutely. And I ain’t above crackin’ a few before, either. Or during. Nothin’ like a few brews to take the edge off, you know what I’m sayin’?
Q: You mentioned weapons before. Let’s talk some more about the tools of your trade.
A: No problem. I mean, obviously, I like guns. The bigger, the better. And grenades, too. You might say that blowin’ stuff up is kinda one of my hobbies. Grenades come in handy for that.
Q: And I assume you like swords? You are wearing a rather large one on your back right now.
A: You mean Ol’ Blue here? Oh, yeah. I like swords. Nothing like a sword when you need to get up close and personal. And Blue is about as personable as you can get. Take a look at that edge…
Q: *Coughs* Yes, um, sharp. And what is that, er, machine sitting next to you?
A: This? What’s it look like, pal? It’s a shield.
Q: Really. I’d say that’s quite a…unique…interpretation of the concept.
A: You said it, buddy. It’s called a Ripsaw. Now imagine that a shield, a power saw, and a turbo-charged engine got together and had a cranky kid. The Ripsaw is that kid.
Q: I see. Let’s talk about something else. I understand that you recently made a trip to the planet Nexus?
A: You bet I did.
Q: What can you tell me about it?
A: Well, I ain’t really supposed to talk about it. The brass says it’s classified, so I’m supposed to keep my trap shut.
Q: You can’t say anything at all?
A: Well, I can tell that you I was hired to protect a couple a’ Exiles who were going planetside for the first time. Exploration and research team. Figured it was a quick way to make a buck.
Q: Exploration and research team? Can you talk about them?
A: I guess. The explorer was this guy named Buck. Just between you and me, he was kind of annoying. Typical human. Always shootin’ off his mouth, tryin’ to be funny. Pretty good with a gun, though.
Q: And the researcher?
A: She was an Aurin gal. Pretty much what you’d expect. Bleedin’ heart type. Always cryin’ about something and getting her feelings hurt. But I gotta admit, when the chips were down she really kicked some ass.
Q: Seems like you might have a soft spot for her…
A: You sayin’ I’m soft? I don’t like the sound of that…
Q: Err, no! Of course not! Do you have any upcoming missions you can talk about?
A: Well, I ain’t got anything official on the books, but we mercs are always gettin’ sent in to fight the Dominion. Those jobs are the best. I just love beatin’ the crap outta those guys.
Q: Sounds like it might be personal.
A: Oh, it’s personal alright, buddy. The Dominion and the Granok go way back.
Q: Really? You want to tell me a little more about it?
A: I’d love to, pal. But it’s happy hour down at the Last Man Standing, and all this interviewin’ is makin’ me thirsty.
Q: I think I’ve got everything I need here. Perhaps its best we finish up.
A: That’s the smartest thing you said all day.
That’s all we’ve got time for today, isn’t Sarge just a stand up guy? Just the person you want on your team. That might be all we’ve got for today but why not check back tomorrow for some more exclusive WildStar content right here at GodisaGeek.com!
If you still haven’t gotten enough of Sarge, why not check him out in the WildStar trailer below?
What did you think of the interview with Sarge? Did it shed some light on some of the questions that you had about the upcoming MMO? Are you as excited as we are? How awesome is the trailer?!? Let us know in the comments below or over at our forums, we’d love to hear from you.