Despite Their Differences, Bethesda shows Mojang the Love with Minecraft Easter Egg
Mojang and Bethesda have not been best of friends of late. A legal battle over Mojang’s use of the name Scrolls in its new title seemingly enraged Bethesda, who thought it was a bit too similar its Elder Scrolls titles. That hasn’t stopped the Skyrim developer from showing Mojang, and its owner Notch, a little love in the form of an easter egg in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
As reported by Geekology, there is a pickaxe very similar to that found in Minecraft called the ‘Notched Pickaxe’ and can supposedly be found in ‘Throat of the World’ in Skyrim. While we cannot confirm this ourselves, we would love to hear from you if you come across it. According to Ology, the Skyrim team enjoyed playing Minecraft on their breaks, so threw in the ‘Notched Pickaxe’ as a tribute to the most successful unreleased — though it has gone gold just recently — title in the universe.
While the top brass battle over the alleged trademark infringement, it is nice to see that the battle has been left in the courts, and Bethesda’s development team has paid tribute to Minecraft, despite their differences. GrynarGaming has uploaded a ‘how to’ video on YouTube which shows how to retrieve the ‘Notched Pickaxe.’ Check it out below.
What do you think of the Skyrim easter egg? Let us know in the comments below.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available now for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
Thanks, Joystiq